Monday, April 25, 2011

Betta Fish Information Contact

Welcome to Betta Fish Information, the blog!! This blog is made to help you learn as much as you can about Betta fish.

If you have questions about betta fish that you want to ask, email Betta Fish Information using this email address:

If you don't have an email address, try leaving a comment and I will reply as soon as I can. It may take me a few days to answer your comment or email, so be patient!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Betta Fish Water Changes

To keep your betta fish healty, regular water changes are important. Bettas like relatively clean tanks. If you have a large tank, (3-15 gal) you should make a water change about once a week, or when needed. Smaller tanks (1/2-2 gal) should have a water change every two to three days. Betta fish are comfortable in slightly smaller tanks, but any tank above 1/2 gal or a 1/2 gal is fine. Try to get into a routine when changing your betta's tank. Try to keep him/her as comfortable as possible. :)

Betta Fish Foods

Ever wondered what the best betta food choices are? Here are my top five.
  1. Brine Shrimp-Frozen or freeze dried, this is a perfect treat for your betta!
  2. Blood Worms-Another great option.
  3. Betta Flakes-Easy to find in stores.
  4. Black Worms-Hard to take care of, but a wonderful treat.
  5. Betta Fish Pellets-Not every betta is a fan of these.
Betta fish are known to be pretty picky when it comes to food. Try a few foods until your fish finds a favorite! Betta fish can be fed six days a week, skipping one day. Make sure NEVER to overfeed your bettas!!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Betta Fish Fun Facts

Female Betta
Male Betta
Here are some great betta fish fun facts!
  • Did you know...that betta fish are the most popular fish all around the world, and are found in millions of homes worldwide?
  • Did you know...that betta fish breath air? These amazing fish have a special organ called the labyrinth that allows them to breath air!
  • Did you know...that normally, a well taken betta fish can live up to about 5 years? Wow! :)
  • Did you know...that male betta fish make bubble nests? Male bettas will start to do this in preparation for the arrival of eggs.
  • Did you know...that male betta fish raise baby bettas?
  • Did you know...that male bettas tend to be more elaborate than the females? Check out the two pictures at the top of this page. The top one is the female, and the bottom is the female. Interesting! :)

History of Betta Fish

     Betta fish, (Betta Splendens) originally came from Thailand. These ancient bettas were dull in color, and lived in puddles, rice paddies, or slow moving streams. Over time these little fish became popular, mostly because male bettas fight viciously, which is very entertaining to watch. This is the reason bettas are still called "Siamese Fighting Fish." Eventually bettas changed their appearances, after being bred over a long period of time.
     Today, these fish come in a wide variety of colors and tail shapes. Betta's ancestors still live in many parts of Asia.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Types of Betta Fish Tails

Betta Fish Tails

Round Tail
Veil Tail
Double Tail
Delta Tail
Half Moon Tail
Comb Tail
Crown Tail
The different kinds of betta fish tails include round tails, veil tails, double tails, delta tails, half moon tails, comb tails, and crown tails. For more information on betta fish tails, click here! :)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bringing Home Your Betta

Before you pick out your betta, follow these steps carefully:
  1. Buy two tanks, one half-gallon, and another any size smaller then that. The first tank will be used as your main aquarium for your new friend, and the second will be your transfer tank, which will be used when you clean your betta's aquarium. Now you will need to buy the following items: A small net, one Bowl Buddies Betta Care Kit, a silk plant (NOT plastic, because plastic plants are hard on the fins), smooth rocks, and some frozen or freeze dried brine shrimp.
  2. Prepare the two tanks you have by first rinsing off all your materials. Make sure NOT to use soap, because it is very hard to wash off all the remaining soap. Soap will harm your betta!! Put the plant, rocks, and finally some water in the tank. (Tap water will work fine). Now put half a Fizz Tab in the half-gallon tank, and a VERY small peice in the tiny tank. (The tiny tank will just have rocks in it). Let the aquariums sit for 24 hours.
  3. Now, it's time to buy your betta!! Make sure to choose a healthy and vibrant looking one. Once your new buddy is home, transfer him/her into the SMALLER tank. The next day you should then transfer him/her into the BIGGER tank. This operation will reduce your betta's stress. Betta fish are used to living in terribly small containers. :( Good luck with your new betta!!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Thanks For Visiting!

Thank you so much for visiting Betta Fish Information! If you have any sugestions or comments, email me or leave a post. Oh, and there's another quick and easy way to give me feed back: see the reactions poll at the bottom of each post? Select the one that you most agree with. I will try to answer all of your questions and will update my blog as much as I can. Again, thanks for visiting! More information on betta fish is coming soon! :)